Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Loud doubts

How shall I proceed
With loud doubts
Tingling my head?
Brains bursting into pain,
Undecided about tomorrow,
Clueless about the future.
So blurred gets my vision
That I stand helpless, hapless,
Miserable, pitiful, poor, blind.

Two arrows I shot,
And they both moved away
Against the other.
What's destiny, what's life?
I hear nothing but noise.
Blunders, absurdities have crept in.
My own actions of thought deceived,
Ready to fall, halfway down,
I lack a laugh, I lack a cry.
Crossed all that was a good time.

Round and round they revolve,
Entangled wires of brain.
Push them out, for now they constipate,
Vex and perplex, puzzles they create,
And I merely breathe heavily in haze.
As my thoughts wander
From plane to plane,
Reality ceases to exist.

-- Praveen Kumar Singhmar

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