Thursday, June 23, 2016


Drops of rain
Hit my office window
One by one, each
Stays for a while
And evaporate soon.
The window glass barely
Retains the outline of rain.
Hey look, clouds on ground!
It's June, it's cold!
My clothes won't dry.
Taste some wine or take brandy.
Play folk music or listen to it.
You bought a new guitar?
Great, it's a half day!

Baby, my phone caught water.
Buy me a new one or lend money.
I'll make love to you, passionately!
You ain't bored in this small town?
I'm glad I found you.
Your hands are soft too.

Let's share the bed and divide rent.
Home is far, so not yet,
Think less or don't think at all.
Work on yourself, for yourself.
You must sleep well at night.
And your eyes mustn't shy
Away from your mirror.

Nobody shouts at me,
Nobody, how dare you?
I got stuff to do.
So, see you!

Let's measure the map.
States after states,
Cities after cities.
I skipped a few.
I've had enough of you.
I'm a misfit here.
Let's run, let's live!

Purple plain of transition,
From blue to black,
From violet and red,
And a yellow friend,
You can bank upon.

Patience brings to you
Its fruits of time and
Sometimes it's good to settle
Down a little, and stay subtle,
And focus on your dreams,
And ponder over your plans.

But for how long?
And how far will you go?
How much more will you drag this
Puppet face faced against you will?
Enough! Enough of it! No more!
Oh! But, wait! A little more!

And let's suppose we kept waiting
For a Godot who doesn't care,
For a chamber of flowers that never bloom,
For a lightening that ceases to spark.
Oh, yet, you must wait!

You must do it.
There's no going back from here.
You've come too far.
Don't try to defy your destiny.
It's time.

But I was a free
Bird with wings that fly,
A coloured butterfly,
Garden of joy,
Happy toy.
Anyhow, it's time.

You're one lucky dog,
Fortunate as fuck.
Forefathers' blessings come true.
Peace, tranquility, freedom of a kind,
Only for a while.

Then a sudden blow
Shattering sown dreams.
Just when you thought you'd walk free,
You've been tagged down to task.
Nothing new,
It happens,
Shit happens.

Everything is for good,
The stars and the moon,
Time heals soon
All those wounds it could.
And so we move along
With the winds of life.

This transition is eternal.
Divide and become two,
Multiply and then dissolve
Into one whole being,
In time and in place.
This transition is eternal.

But the past doesn't fickle.
Past, the part already spent,
Is a constant, remains as it is.
And to itself it adds time,
Moment by moment,
Memory by memory,
It succeeds in its establishment.
Past is supreme, something
You cannot doubt.

And yet we look towards the future
In hope, in anticipation
Of betterment of a new thread
For healthy and happy transitions,
And so I bid goodbye to you,
And wish you life.

- Praveen Singhmar

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